best block{{'#'}}{{ bestBlock | number}}
uncles (current / last 50){{ bestStats.block.uncles.length }}/{{ uncleCount }}
last block{{ lastBlock | blockTimeFilter }}
avg block time{{ avgBlockTime | avgTimeFilter }}
avg network hashrate
difficulty{{ lastDifficulty | totalDifficultyFilter }}
active nodes{{nodesActive}}/{{nodesTotal}}
gas price{{ bestStats.gasPrice.toString() | gasPriceFilter }}
gas limit{{ bestStats.block.gasLimit }} gas
page latency{{latency}} ms
uptime{{ upTimeTotal | upTimeFilter }}
block time
block propagation
last blocks miners
uncle count (25 blocks per bar)
gas spending
gas limit
ATTENTION!This page does not represent the entire state of the Scolcoin network - listing a node on this page is a voluntary process.
{{ node.readable.latency }}{{node.stats.peers}}{{node.stats.pending}}{{'#'}}{{ node.stats.block.number | number }}{{node.stats.block.hash | hashFilter}}{{node.stats.block.totalDifficulty | number}}{{node.stats.block.transactions.length || 0}}{{node.stats.block.uncles.length || 0}}{{node.stats.block.received | blockTimeFilter }}
{{node.stats.block.propagation | blockPropagationFilter}}
{{ node.stats | blockPropagationAvgFilter : bestBlock }}{{ node.stats.uptime | upTimeFilter }}